Nobeoka Jump

Ayaka's Pose Here is Extra-Ordinary

Howard Ahner May 28, 2009
The Wonderful Means of Surmounting Obstacles
You, yourself, are a true Buddha who possesses the three enlightened properties
New WOODART by Howard Ahner
New FLOWERS in Nobeoka
Keiko Ahner's Apple Boy Painting
Kei-Paintings by Keiko Ahner
A Special Friend in Mimitsu
He Often Shines in Nobeoka
Yudai Yano Drew This Cool Picture of Howard Ahner
Ayaka's Pose Here is Extra-Ordinary
Harris Kutsunai and Howard Ahner Go On Tozan in 1979
Family From California
The Ahner Eikaiwa Nobeoka Show
Itai Doushin
Heisei Drawings
At Peare
Hikari Jidou Club, Kitaura
Nobeoka Marches On
Mimitsu Hanami
Nobeoka Mounds
Nobeoka Shiohama
Howard Ahner Shows Actual Proof
Kirin Asahi Blend
Kitaura-Students - English
I had an idea to teach English on this boat in Mimitsu Cho, but my wife had other ideas.
We were going to study English in the old Daiei Building in Nobeoka, but it was bulldozed down.
We would like to design a treehouse and build it in the city of Nobeoka, Japan.
We talked about a newspaper company in Nobeoka called The Yukan Daily.
We joked and conversed at a restaurant in Nobeoka called Torisen.
Many of the kids living in Kitaura speak to me in the English languge.
We asked the manager of A-Price in Minami Nobeoka if we could use a spare room to teach English in.

Reply to Lord Matsuno's Wife


I am deeply ashamed at having failed until now to respond to your gift of one chest of wheat, one basket of yams, one basket of melons and various other items, which I received on the third day of the sixth month.


This place, the valley of Minobu, is located in the area of the three villages of Iino, Mimaki and Hakiri of Kai Province, in the northwestern corner of the village of Hakiri. To the north, the peak of Mount Minobu pierces the heavens; to the south, Mount Takatori’s crest merges with the clouds; to the east, Mount Tenshi rises as high as the sun; and to the west, great sheer mountains stretch across to the summit of Mount Shirane. The screeching of monkeys resounds in the heavens, while the earth is filled with the chirping of cicadas.


I feel as if Eagle Peak in India had made its way here, or as if I were seeing Mount T’ien-t’ai in China right before my eyes. Although I am neither Shakyamuni Buddha nor the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai, because each day I read the Lotus Sutra day and night and discuss the Maka Shikan morning and evening, this place is like the pure land of Eagle Peak and in no way different from Mount T’ien-t’ai.


Nevertheless, I am an ordinary person dependent on other things for my existence. If I were without clothes, the wind would penetrate my body, and if I did not eat, my life could not be sustained. It would be like failing to replenish a lamp with oil, or failing to add wood to a fire. How could I continue to live? If my life should become difficult to maintain, if the provisions needed to sustain it were to be exhausted, in one to five days the voice that now reads and recites the Lotus Sutra would also be silenced, and weeds would grow up thick before the window from which discourses on the Maka Shikan are heard. Such are the conditions under which I live, but I wonder how you were able to perceive this.


Because a hare made offerings to a person walking about in exercise after meditation, the heavenly king took pity on it and placed it in the moon. Now, when we gaze up at the heavens, in the moon we see a hare. In your position as a woman, you have made offerings to the Lotus Sutra in this defiled latter age. Therefore, King Bonten will look after you with his divine eye, Taishaku will press his palms together and pay obeisance to you, the earthly deities will delight in reverently holding up your feet, and Shakyamuni Buddha will extend his hand from Eagle Peak to stroke your head. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.


With my deep respect,



The twentieth day of the sixth month in the second year of Koan (1279), cyclical sign tsuchinoto-u


Reply to Lord Matsuno’s wife

English Teacher: Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666
English Teacher: Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666

Ayaka Matsumoto



Yui and Mai



Yasuko Iwakiri

Ami and Hiroko



Tohmi Nobeoka